
	Intervention and Therapeutics Aiming to overcome cardiovascular disease
	through better catheter therapeuticsCardiovascular
	Intervention and Therapeutics Aiming to overcome cardiovascular disease
	through better catheter therapeutics


To establish its procedural safety

Fifteen years have passed since the Japanese Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (J-PCI) registry was launched in 2007 as a case registration platform for PCI procedures performed in Japan. In its earliest years, the main objective of the J-PCI registry was to establish PCI as a safe treatment for all Japanese patients with coronary artery disease. The primary objective of the J-PCI has changed and expanded over time as noted in the design paper. In brief, the J-PCI will offer a common dataset infrastructure, which will allow participating institutions to undertake continuous quality improvement, with the added value of providing a more accurate dataset for observational research and within-registry randomized controlled trials. The J-PCI will also develop a collaborative approach with other registries in the US and Europe. Such opportunities are aligned with the CVIT’s mission to further our understanding of cardiovascular intervention and to establish its procedural safety.

Tetsuya Amano, MD. PhD.
Registry Committee Chairman, Japanese Association of Cardiovascular Intervention and Therapeutics (CVIT)

Design paper
